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Adaptive Mediation Journal

News and Info for those considering Mediation or working in the Mediation Space.

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The Benefits: Adaptive Mediation

The Benefits: Adaptive Mediation

In lockdown here. Lots of matters are moving online or by phone (yes, mediation can be done on the phone in the right circumstances!) Wanted to provide a little reminder about why mediation is such a great method for resolving conflict... there are many more than...

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Emerging Mediator of the Year (NSW)

Emerging Mediator of the Year (NSW)

I was delighted to recently receive notice of winning an Australian Enterprise Award 2021 for 'Emerging Mediator of the Year (NSW). It's nice when hard work in small business is recognised. Click here to read more.   

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Lawyers and Mediators

Lawyers and Mediators

Which one do you need? There are lawyers and mediators, and some are both. But mediators are not always lawyers and lawyers are not always trained as mediators. How do you choose what you need when you find yourself in conflict? You may need a lawyer if you are unsure...

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My mediation journey

My mediation journey

It was a pleasure to be contacted recently by the College of Law for an interview about my mediation journey, to be used in their professional development guide for legal practitioners. The guide can be downloaded (free) on the College website. Part of the reason I...

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We can all improve our listening skills

We can all improve our listening skills

Even as a trained mediator, I often forget to apply my listening skills. My friends and family would be the first to say I constantly interrupt them, so keen to provide input! It's not always easy to be quiet and just listen, especially when you have relevant insight...

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Accreditation @ Adaptive Mediation

If you're considering mediation, it's important to ensure that the mediator you choose to engage is nationally accredited. There are various guidelines mediators must meet in order to be accredited. They must then apply to be reaccredited every 2 years. Having...

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What Hat Would You Choose To Wear To Resolve Conflict?

What Hat Would You Choose To Wear To Resolve Conflict?

Do you wear alot of different 'hats' in your life? I sure do. Lawyer, mediator, negotiator, mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, cook, cleaner, nurse, listener, learner, teacher, driver and the list goes on and on and on... Sometimes it's all a bit much and I find...

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How are things going at your place?

How are things going at your place?

Life is tricky right now and we are all facing new pressures and challenges. I'm finding that it's just as hard not always being able to 'escape' my loved ones when I need some time out, as it is not being able to spend time with my family and friends. If conflict has...

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Parenting and Working from Home

Parenting and Working from Home

How's it going at your place? We're finding life much more challenging than usual, on many fronts. This might be because we are exercising almost complete social distancing (other than groceries) and are practically self isolating. We're all home together 24/7,...

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