Conflict Resolution Specialists
Assisting parties to identify options and negotiate an agreement to resolve disputes.
Confidential & cost effective dispute resolution
Our Focus is on the needs & interests of all parties
Addressing commercial, family & employment issues
Mediation services across Sydney & the Illawarra
What Is Mediation?
Mediation is a confidential and cost effective method of alternative dispute resolution. The process allows parties to express their concerns and feel heard in safe environment, and encourages them to explore the underlying issues for a deeper, shared understanding of the other parties’ position in order to find appropriate solutions.
Our Services
Adaptive Mediation conducts mediations in all areas of the law across Sydney and the Illawarra in venues most suited to the location of the parties.
There are several types of mediation. Adaptive Mediation focuses on the Facilitative Model, but applies other techniques if appropriate throughout the course of the mediation.

Kate Grafenauer
Founder, Adaptive Mediation
Phone: 0499 899 777
Email: info@adaptivemediation.com.au
Kate Grafenauer, principal mediator at Adaptive Mediation, has worked as a lawyer in the dispute resolution space for over 20 years.
After such a lengthy period of time spent litigating in various jurisdictions, she has seen the impact court proceedings can have on individuals and entities – stress, cost, delay, and future strain on business and personal relationships. It became apparent that there are rarely any real winners, which caused her to question why she remained working in the legal sphere. After much soul searching, she recalled the reason she studied law – to help people, unable to solve problems without some assistance, to find solutions that actually work for them.
It was a natural next step for her to become a mediator, and Kate now enjoys assisting and empowering parties in dispute find creative solutions that have far greater potential to preserve their ongoing relationships and financial and personal wellbeing.
Kate holds national accreditation as a mediator with the Resolution Institute and Australian Mediation Association and is registered with the Mediator Standards Board.