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Adaptive Mediation Journal

News and Info for those considering Mediation or working in the Mediation Space.

Mediation Update

Focus on the Solution

Focus on the Solution

"Focus on the solution, not the problem." Walter Inglis Anderson It's not that what happened isn't important; after all, the problem you face is why you're in mediation. However, your future is our focus. We recommended that you think forwards so that options for...

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How are things going at your place?

How are things going at your place?

Life is tricky right now and we are all facing new pressures and challenges. I'm finding that it's just as hard not always being able to 'escape' my loved ones when I need some time out, as it is not being able to spend time with my family and friends. If conflict has...

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Covid-19: We’ll need to adapt to the global pandemic

Covid-19: We’ll need to adapt to the global pandemic

The global situation is scary and uncertain, but its business as usual here. We are 'adaptive' in more ways than one! Many courts are closing or reducing services in the coming months for current and new matters. Don't be alarmed. You still have options which may be...

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Mediate: End Game

Mediate: End Game

Sometimes, one person involved in a conflict is not willing to ‘play’. Persuading that party to try the process can be the most difficult part of a mediator’s role. The most common concern is usually around whether an agreement reached

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Mediation: Did you know?

Mediation: Did you know?

Mediation = cheaper + faster + less stressful + the parties control the outcome. Most everyday conflicts can be resolved by mediating rather than litigating.

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Mediation Styles

Mediation Styles

There is no one-style-suits-all-disputes in mediation. Not only are there different mediation methods, but there are different ways to conduct them.

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Don’t Litigate … Mediate!

Don’t Litigate … Mediate!

There is an alternative to expensive, stressful, time consuming legal proceedings. Mediation can help save time and money, and you decide how the matter resolves. Remove the stress sooner than later.

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What Types of Issues Can Be Mediated?

What Types of Issues Can Be Mediated?

People often assume that only relationship breakdowns or family law related matters can be addressed through mediation, but this is far from the truth. There are a range of issues that can be dealt with quickly and easily through mediation

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Mediation Costs in a Nutshell

Mediation Costs in a Nutshell

Mediation can save your thousands of dollars in legal fees. I’m often asked about this, and although it will vary depending on the specific case, the video below gives you a general overview of costs involved.

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