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News and Info for those considering Mediation or working in the Mediation Space.

Neighbourhood Mediation

Conflict Between Neighbours

Conflict Between Neighbours

The next 123 example deals with conflict between neighbours. Your neighbour has a bird aviary which seems to attract vermon. Rats and cockroaches have been coming into your yard for months, and there is a foul odour at times. You suspect the aviary isn't cleaned out...

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Neighbours – What can you do to resolve a dispute?

Neighbours – What can you do to resolve a dispute?

Problems with neighbours? Noise, rubbish, fences & retaining walls, boundaries, animals/pests, overhanging vegetation, access and common property issues, privacy, children, plumbing problems. There are several options you can try ... Of course, the best way to...

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What Types of Issues Can Be Mediated?

What Types of Issues Can Be Mediated?

People often assume that only relationship breakdowns or family law related matters can be addressed through mediation, but this is far from the truth. There are a range of issues that can be dealt with quickly and easily through mediation

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