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Adaptive Mediation Journal

News and Info for those considering Mediation or working in the Mediation Space.

Finding the Way with Mediation

9 Apr, 2021 | 0 comments

Image - A Signpost. Which Way?

Most people know that in order to find the sweet spot in negotiations, compromise is necessary, for all concerned.

But what do you do if you’ve compromised as far as you can and it’s still not enough for the other party or their position is pressed or the goalposts keep shifting?

It may be time to change tact. For example, why not consider making an offer closer to what you actually want/need? Sometimes this is enough to push the boundary back to a more reasonable range of outcomes, allowing for genuine compromise. Or, the change actually suits everyone and the outcome ultimately is more aligned with everyone’s interests and needs.

Negotiation is more than going backwards and forwards with offers. People are complicated, and conflict adds complexity to the dynamics between people, whether it arises at home, with friends and family, at work, or in business.

You never know until you ask, and mediation is a perfect forum for doing just that!

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Contact Us or call us on Tel: 0499899777 for further info on how we can help you to resolve an issue and remove the stress!

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Adaptive Mediation assists parties to identify options and negotiate agreements to resolve disputes. We work with clients across Wollongong, Illawarra and Sydney.

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