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Adaptive Mediation Journal

News and Info for those considering Mediation or working in the Mediation Space.

Month: March 2021

Lawyers and Mediators

Lawyers and Mediators

Which one do you need? There are lawyers and mediators, and some are both. But mediators are not always lawyers and lawyers are not always trained as mediators. How do you choose what you need when you find yourself in conflict? You may need a lawyer if you are unsure...

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Keys to Breaking an Impasse

Keys to Breaking an Impasse

Deadlocks can happen in negotiations. If you reach an impasse in your mediation, not all is lost. There are things we can try, together: Reframe options - from negative to positive Challenge the parties on their positions and reality test options Encourage parties to...

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Power Imbalance in Negotiations

Power Imbalance in Negotiations

There is often an imbalance in power in relationships, which tends to manifest more strongly during the conflict. Power can arise for various reasons - authority, information/skills/experience, money, age, behaviourally or psychologically - and naturally feeds into...

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Estate Disputes: What you can do to avoid litigation

Estate Disputes: What you can do to avoid litigation

People make provisions in their Will for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes family members disagree or feel the Will maker got it wrong. Some common causes include: Blended families People marrying or living with more than one partner throughout their lifetime strained...

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Difficult Conversations

Difficult Conversations

Difficult conversations are confronting. No one enjoys them. But they're a part of life - within households, at work, in business and in our communities. Sometimes a person won't engage or remain steadfast in their position, which can make the problem worse and/or...

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Difficult Conversations at Work

Difficult Conversations at Work

Applying the 123 rule in my previous post, let's look at a workplace example: You've been berated (again) for a minor mistake in front of some colleagues who are also your superiors. It has happened before and you're growing paranoid about your performance. You say: I...

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What About Issues in Families?

What About Issues in Families?

So, next up is an example of how to use the 123 method for a common issue in a close family. Your parents are causing problems between you and your partner around the routine and discipline of your children. You say: Mum/Dad, when you criticise how we're raising the...

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Conflict Between Neighbours

Conflict Between Neighbours

The next 123 example deals with conflict between neighbours. Your neighbour has a bird aviary which seems to attract vermon. Rats and cockroaches have been coming into your yard for months, and there is a foul odour at times. You suspect the aviary isn't cleaned out...

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