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Adaptive Mediation Journal

News and Info for those considering Mediation or working in the Mediation Space.

Month: June 2019

Mediation Video Series: Step 8

Mediation Video Series: Step 8

The hardest part is over and it’s time to discuss whether any of the options for resolution you’ve each devised might suit your circumstances. There is no pressure to reach agreement. You might resolve only part of the dispute.

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Mediation Video Series: Step 7

Mediation Video Series: Step 7

Separate Session. This is where you each take a break from the intensity of the process and have a chance to speak to me on your own.I’ll ask how you’re feeling about the mediation and if there are any additional details I should be aware of.

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Useful Links: College of Law

Useful Links: College of Law

How can online dispute resolution help clients and lawyers to better resolve disputes. The cost saving benefits are even more powerful with the availability of online mediation. Disputes across state borders and international time

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Mediation Video Series: Step 6

Mediation Video Series: Step 6

Exploration​. This is the longest and most important stage of the mediation. The aim is to share and listen in order to gain a deeper understanding of the issues. It’s ok to vent, but you will he reminded about being courteous

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